Fall of Man
by A.J. Wilson

and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him; a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all.” Colossians 3:10-11

As Christians, we often overlook or underestimate the effects of sin.  The Garden of Eden was perfect, a masterpiece, with its plants and animals for man to care for without toil, and in peace.  Adam was able to walk with God, and lived 930 years before death.  When sin entered in, the earth became hard to produce from (think of the landscape of the Middle East now!) and men now live into their 80’s if they are lucky.  Sin is the reason for the change.  We question God, “Why bad things happen to good people?”, but Paul answered this with “For the wages of sin is death.” (Rom 6:23)  The death of sin is not limited to those who commit brazen sins, but has been shown over the whole earth; humans, animals, and plants.  A curse was placed on all of creation because of sin (Gen 3:14-19).  We are seeing the effects today (famine, disease, war, violence, etc) of thousands of years and countless sins, on the earth and its inhabitants. 

Even worse than the curse of all creation, was the barrier that sin created within man.  Man no longer was able to freely talk to God as Adam had been able.  The sin of man often hinders and grieves God from being able to help His creation.  Yet a way was created to erase the eternal pains of sin; Jesus Christ.  A new self is created when salvation is received.  However the familiarity with God does not come all at once.  A heart attack, stroke, or accident victim cannot usually resume their regular activities immediately, but need rehabilitation to get back to their previous abilities.  The verses above say that the new self is “being renewed to a true knowledge.”  We must continue in our efforts to rehabilitate each other with God, through prayer, Bible reading, and extending God’s love.  Imagine getting back to the place with God, that we converse with him during the “cool of the day,” just as Adam had been able. 


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